Ochoa & Vega Abogados


It is necessary to make a little history, for this we will go back to our origins when, in 1994, we Francisco Ochoa Neira and Maria Alicia Vega de la Cuadra, had a common desire to be lawyers, after studying law at a university in our beloved city of Cuenca, we consecrated ourselves as legal professionals to dedicate ourselves to help people in need, as we could learn in turn and our predecessors. That moment came and stayed with us, the road we have traveled has been long and often somewhat difficult, but always with the conviction that only excellence is our mark in all the things we do, moving forward with that premise we have been able to incorporate to our work two young professionals such as our children María Bernarda Ochoa Vega and Francisco José Ochoa Vega, to whom from an early age we were able to transmit our passion for the law and its role in society, so that today we are witnesses of the extraordinary fusion of experience with youth, resulting in the excellent fruit and for our pride, to have the fourth generation of lawyers among them our grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts and brothers.


  • Clients:
    Ochoa & Vega Abogados
  • Category:
    BrandingGraphicMobile appWeb Design
  • Date:
    27 Aug, 2021